Work days: 6:00 – 20:00h Saturday: 8:00 – 15:00h

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Profex Physio block

25 years of dedicated work on improving the health and quality of life of all ages, regardless of the problem and health condition, the branch of sport and the ranking of the competition.

Dear friends, you know that we have always been able to find a solution and win.

We solve all possible bone and joint disorders, problems, pain, ailments, injuries…

The root and causes of all these conditions are mostly mechanical!

When we say it, then everything becomes clear. Why are we so special and so successful?! We approach problem solving from the perspective of biomechanical analysis, postural analysis, analysis of motor and postural control. We approach solving problems as a team, and with Prof. For Dr. Duško Ilić, these are always moments of inspiration and inspiration in finding the cause of problems and setting up treatments and programs.

And in the end, the recipe is clear and it’s no secret: “Movement”, “Movement task” and “Physical exercise” have always been our basic tool for work, and in fact they are the big secret of our achievement and success. A lot of knowledge and experience in everyday practical work is woven into each “Movement”, “Movement Task” and “Physical Exercise”.

After 25 years of experience, the Physio Block in PROFEX – Academy of Healthy Life occupies a special place in our daily work. We tried to make the best possible selection of state-of-the-art devices and systems to equip our new Physio Block.

All protocols, treatments and procedures are carried out with the aim of enabling and facilitating movement and to perform it with as little pain as possible, and with as much ease and pleasure as possible.

About physical therapy at PROFEX

By physical therapy, we mean treatment with physical agents, both natural, which is our imperative, but also artificial, when it is necessary to achieve a result and solve a problem. In relation to the type of energy used, physical agents are divided into

  • Electrotherapy
  • Magnetotherapy
  • Mechanotherapy


Physical therapy consists of three inseparable and intertwined phases:

  • pain relief,
  • strengthening
  • and functional integration.

With us, all physical therapy treatments and procedures are absolutely safe. Some may feel unduly anxious and scared of physical therapy at first because they suspect they will be hurt by those strange devices and machines; however, it is absolutely the opposite, everything is extremely safe, it even heals you.

Methods of physical therapy that we use at Profex:

  • Electrotherapy
  • Traction bed
  • Tecar
  • Hilt laser
  • Ultrasound therapy
  • Magnetotherapy
  • Laser therapy
  • Game ready

The goal of physical therapy is the treatment of the specific cause of the problem, not only its consequences, and the end result is the reduction of pain and swelling, improvement of local circulation and metabolism, increase in elasticity of soft tissue, regeneration of damaged tissue, increase in range of motion, and overall improvement of health.

Indications for the use of physical therapy:

  • Back pain
  • All types of muscle, joint and tendon injuries
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Achilles tendon injuries
  • Tennis elbow
  • Golfer’s elbow
  • Rotator cuff syndrome
  • Plexus and nerve injuries

As well as many other different conditions and problems….

Tecar Therapy
Laser Hilt

Spinal traction is a very successful method for treating discs in the cervical and lumbosacral spine without surgery. Traction creates a negative pressure and a vacuum effect in the disc itself, which is located between the two vertebrae, and thus pulls the hernia inside the disc. Current clinical trials show its effectiveness in as many as 70-85% of cases, which is an extremely high percentage of the success of this therapy.

It gave particularly good results for people who spend their working hours in a sitting position, as well as for younger people with problems in the Lumbo-Sacral part of the spine.

Traction is a painless treatment technique, where by applying a strictly dosed (in intensity and duration) mechanical force, the distance between the vertebral bodies can be increased and a pinched disc or nerve along the spinal column can be released. This principle of action reduces pain and enables the treatment of discs without surgery.

It represents the use of numerous modalities of electric current obtained by means of modern electronic devices for therapeutic purposes. Electrotherapy causes the dilation (expansion) of blood vessels and increases the circulation of blood and lymph, increasing tissue trophicity and promoting reabsorption of edema and reduction of swelling. In this way, the inflammatory process is reduced and helps to remove the factors that lead to pain. Electrotherapy has an analgesic effect on pain, which means that it very well reduces pain, by irritating receptors in the skin and releasing endogenous opioids, as well as by improving blood and lymph circulation. It promotes the regeneration of peripheral nerves and osteogenesis (healing) in bone fractures.

Magnetotherapy is a non-invasive treatment technique that uses magnetic fields to improve a patient’s health and well-being by helping to stimulate healing and reduce pain. The technique has long been used in alternative medicine, and more and more physiotherapists are incorporating it into their practice.

Magnetotherapy helps treat a variety of conditions, including:

  • Muscle injuries: can help reduce pain and inflammation in injured muscles, speeding up recovery.
  • Bone injuries: This procedure can help stimulate the healing of broken or injured bones.
  • Arthritis: It is able to help reduce pain and inflammation in joints affected by arthritis.
  • Chronic pain: May be useful in the treatment of chronic pain, including back pain, neuralgia and headache.
  • Sports injuries: can help reduce inflammation and speed up recovery after sports injuries.
  • Circulation problems: This therapy can improve blood circulation in the body, which can help treat conditions such as peripheral vascular disease.
  • Depression and anxiety: Transcranial magnetic therapy can help treat depression and anxiety by stimulating certain areas of the brain.

Ultrasound therapy is a non-invasive treatment in which sound waves are used to penetrate soft tissues, increasing blood flow. This can help relieve pain, improve circulation and promote tissue healing

  1. Pain reduction

While healing the deep tissue of your body, ultrasound also reduces muscle spasms. Cramps and muscle tightness can be linked to the underlying cause of the pain.

Ultrasound therapy also prepares the muscles for additional therapeutic treatments.

This can make treatments more effective in reducing pain.

  1. Relaxation of tissue tension

According to the World Health Organization, musculoskeletal conditions are the second largest contributor to disability worldwide.

Musculoskeletal pain occurs when muscle tissue is damaged during improper execution of movements or other traumas that include:

  • Traffic accidents
  • Falls
  • Fractures
  • Dislocations
  • Sprains
  • Direct hits
  • Jerking movements
  • Prolonged immobilization and repetitive movements can also cause this pain. 

Ultrasound therapy gives tissues the deep heat they need to relieve tissue tension. In fact, ultrasound affects the metabolism of soft tissue cells. When ultrasound increases blood flow, it makes cells more receptive to healing fluids.

As a result, therapeutic ultrasound can also help in the treatment of surgical wounds and soft tissue lesions.

  1. Increase in blood flow

Increased blood flow can help reduce swelling around the injured area. It also reduces chronic inflammation, which is associated with a number of health problems (including arthritis).

  1. Breaking down scar tissue

The acoustic effect caused by ultrasound therapy creates small micro-vibrations. These vibrations affect the fibers that cause scar tissue to form.

Breaking up scar tissue can help you increase your range of motion

TECAR is an abbreviation for transfer of energy capacitive, which means capacitive resistive electrical transfer. It is a therapeutic modality of diathermy (i.e. deep tissue thermotherapy), therefore it uses an increase in the local temperature of body tissue, combined with subthermal application to stimulate the body’s healing response

Tecar technology is non-ablative, non-invasive, uses high frequency currents, usually in the range between 300 KHz and 1 Mhz. It can work in two ways of energy transfer:

Capacitive mode: affects tissues with a higher electrolyte content (soft tissues and muscles)

Resistive mode: affects tissues with higher resistance (joint, bone, tendon)

Tecar is mostly used for:

  • tendinitis
  • tendinosis
  • joint pain
  • muscle contracture
  • a bruise
  • epicondylitis
  • golfer’s elbow
  • tennis elbow
  • neck pain
  • lumbar pain
  • lumboschialgia
  • disc herniation
  • whiplash

HILT is a non-invasive and painless treatment method. It stimulates cells, including pain receptors and the immune system, and can increase blood flow and reduce pain. It promotes the repair of damaged tissues of the musculoskeletal system and nerves, which can help in neurological regeneration. HILT (High Intensity Laser Therapy) is a laser of high intensity, where tissue heating is felt during the therapy, in contrast to cold lasers of low power.

Indications for HILT laser application are:

  • Neuropathy and neuromas, nerve entrapment, carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Fasciitis
  • Injuries of the musculoskeletal system (bursitis, fractures, sprains, strains)
  • Tendonitis/tendinosis
  • Back and neck pain (disux hernia, facet joint syndrome)
  • Joint pain
  • Frozen Shoulder (PAHS)
  • Rotator cuff injuries/impingement syndromes
  • Pain syndromes (fibromyalgia)
  • Headaches (tensive, cervicogenic, migraine)
  • Arthritis (osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis)