Work days: 6:00 – 20:00h Saturday: 8:00 – 15:00h

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Profex community

A unique concept of combining a number of our services subordinated to a busy lifestyle
in which there is often a lack of time for the most important thing – a healthy life.

  • Nutrition control

    Each of the Profex community packages includes nutrition control and monthly nutrition plans as well as monitoring of the effects of the same.

  • Sports diagnostics and laboratory

    All packages of the Profex community include various frequent and extensive controls in our sports laboratory with the aim of insight into the effectiveness of the selected package.

  • Trainings and exercise programs

    All packages include the creation of exercise programs, with the difference in the frequency of creating new programs and the number of visits to Profex.


In the following lines, you can familiarize yourself with the details of each of the Profex community packages, including the scope of services, prices and duration of each package.

Our associates are at your disposal through the contact form, email, telephone and social networks for any additional questions you may have. We look forward to your inquiry!

Standard package
Standardni je propratni
  • Trajanje: 6 do 12 meseci
  • Da li napredujete? Da li ste sami u svojoj misiji? Koliko stabilniji napredak možete imati ako uz sebe imate čvrst oslonac. Svakoga meseca doðite u vodeću instituciju u oblasti sporta I rehabilitacije I oslonite se na najpreciznije merenje i konsultacije u vezi sa vašim napredkom. Svakog meseca, u skladu sa vašim stanjem i potrebama, biće osmišljen za vas i nutricionistički plan!
  • Cena paketa: 170,00 EUR mesečno – 6 meseci / 150,00 EUR mesečno – 12 meseci
Body Reset Package
  • Da li ste spremni da podignete svoje standarde za to šta znači nega tela? Da razmislite ponovo o tome šta je uživanje I blagostanje? Kakav je osećaj kada posle topljenja u sauni, takve opuštene mišiće istegnete I ukonite svu tenziju iz njih. Dodajte na to još frikcionu lednu terapiju I tretman 3D masžerom, pa probajte da uporedite taj osećaj sa bilo kojim drugim vidom nege. Svakog meseca, pratite svoju uhranjenost i telesni sastav uz našu mesečnu kontrolu. Na svakih 30 dana, dobijte prilagođeni kućni program vežbanja. Redovno praćenje i stručni saveti osiguraće vam uspeh na putu ka boljem zdravlju i kondiciji!
  • Cena paketa400,00 EUR mesečno – 6 meseci / 300,00 EUR mesečno – 12 meseci
Premium Package
  • Trajanje: 6 do 12 meseci
  • Da li ste na pravom putu ka svom cilju? Da li osećate da vam fali samo malo usmerenja i podrške da konačno ostvarite svoje ciljeve? Svakoga meseca, pratite napredak u uhranjenosti i u telesnoj strukturi. Svakih 60 dana, dobijte program vežbanja uz online kontrolu pravilnog praktikovanja vežbi sa Profex trenerima. Na osnovu vašeg napretka i trenutnih potreba, svaki mesec će za vas biti osmišljen novi nutricionistički plan. Redovno merenje i analiza rezultata, kao i mesečne konsultacije sa Profex stručnim saradnicima, osiguraće da ste na najboljem putu ka svom cilju!
  • Cena paketa390,00 EUR mesečno – 6 meseci / 350,00 EUR mesečno – 12 meseci
Fizio Rehab package
  • Koliko dobro I brzo možete da se oporavite ukoliko ne radite na svom oporavku? Koliko opušteni možete da budete ako se trudite da sami sebe negujete? U Profex akademiji možete da se potpuno opustite I prepustite sve u ruke stručnjaka koji su oporavili već stotinu ljudi. U zavisnosti od trenutnog stanja, primenjujemo rad na izokinetičkom dinamometru i kombinacije proprioceptivnih metoda sa istezanjem i lediranjem. Naša mesečna kontrola uhranjenosti i telesnog sastava pruža vam precizne informacije o vašem napretku. Na svakih 60 dana, dobijate novi program vežbanja uz online kontrolu pravilnog praktikovanja vežbi sa Profex trenerima.
  • Cena paketa450,00 EUR mesečno – 6 meseci / 350,00 EUR mesečno – 12 meseci
Platinum package
  • Trajanje: 6 do 12 meseci
  • Želite li da ostvarite svoje ciljeve i osećate se bolje nego ikad? Pridružite se našem programu! Svakog meseca pratite svoju uhranjenost i telesni sastav uz redovne mesečne kontrole. Svakih 60 dana dobijate prilagođeni program vežbanja uz online nadzor Profex trenera, dolazak jednom nedeljno na mini kontrolu i ishodavanje. Svakog meseca kreiramo novi nutricionistički plan koji je savršeno usklađen sa vašim potrebama. Sa redovnim merenjima, analizama rezultata i mesečnim konsultacijama sa Profex stručnim saradnicima, vaš put ka uspehu je osiguran!
  • Cena paketa490,00 EUR mesečno – 6 meseci / 450,00 EUR mesečno – 12 meseci
Professional Package
  • Trajanje: 6 do 12 meseci
  • Koliko ste profesionalni u svemu što radite? Koliko poštujete profesionalizam drugih? Profex akademija je već dve decenije razvijala najprofesionalniji mogući pristup ljudskom telu kao hramu I svetinji.Redovna mesečna kontrola uhranjenosti i telesnog sastava, analiza statike držanja tela svaki drugi mesec I kreiranje novog program ishrane svakog meseca, je profesionalan odnos prema ljudima koji svoje zdravlje shvataju ozbiljno. Program vežbanja ažuriramo svaka dva meseca prema postignutim efektima i trenutnim potrebama vašeg organizma. Svako novo merenje uključuje analizu rezultata i efekata sprovedenog programa uz konsultacije sa stručnjacima. Onlajn kontrola pravilnog praktikovanja vežbi se obavlja početkom svakog novog programa. Tokom meseca, dolazite četiri puta na Akademiju za istezanje, negu i izokinetiku prema potrebi.
  • Cena paketa550 EUR mesečno – 6 meseci / 450,00 EUR mesečno – 12 meseci
Wellness detox package
  • Trajanje: 6 ili 12 meseci
  • Na Koliko načina možete da doživite blagostanje? Pristupite vašem zdravlju kroz različite terapeutske metode. Promenite sastav vašeg tela razgradnjom na treningu I izgradnjom dobrim nutrijentima, neka se kroz vase pore otvorene na treningu I u sauna izbaci što više toksina. Ovaj program sadrži 10 dolazaka mesečno (2 puta nedeljno), uključujući ishodavanja u trajanju od 20 do 40 minuta, istezanje i lediranje od 30 minuta I 20 minuta u sauni. Jednom nedeljno uživajte u masaži (4 puta mesečno). Program takođe obuhvata mesečnu kontrolu uhranjenosti i telesnog sastava, kao i mesečni program ishrane prilagođen vašem napretku i trenutnim potrebama organizma.
  • Cena paketa600,00 EUR mesečno – 6 meseci / 500,00 EUR mesečno – 12 meseci
Fizio rehab pro package
  • Obuhvata
  • Ozbiljni ste oko svog zdravlja I vase sportske karijere? Priuštite sebi najkompletniji program prevencije I rehabilitacije. Naš program obuhvata 12 treninga mesečno, sa mesečnom kontrolom uhranjenosti i telesnog sastava. Na svakih 30 dana dobijate novi program vežbanja uz kontrolu pravilnog praktikovanja vežbi sa Profex trenerima. U zavisnosti od vašeg stanja, uključujemo rad na izokinetici, kombinaciju proprioceptivnih metoda i vežbi stomaka, uz istezanje, lediranje i 3D masažer. Naš stručni tim je tu da vas podrži na svakom koraku!
  • Cena paketana upit
Ultimate package
  • Trajanje: 6 do 12 meseci
  • Koliko vredi najbolj I najkompletniji fizički tretman u ovom delu Evrope? Naš program sa 12 treninga mesečno pružiće vam sve što vam je potrebno. To je zato što mu prethodi najkompletniji dijagnostički process u našoj sportskoj I fizikalnoj laboratoriji. Svakog meseca pratimo vašu uhranjenost i telesni sastav, a svaki drugi mesec radimo test opterećenja, RMR, analizu držanja tela (posturalnog statusa) i mišićnog statusa. Svakog meseca kreiramo novi program ishrane i vežbanja u skladu sa postignutim efektima i trenutnim potrebama vašeg organizma. Svako novo merenje podrazumeva analizu rezultata i efekata sprovedenog programa uz konsultacije sa našim stručnim timom. Koliko možete postići kada date sve od sebe?
  • Cena paketana upit

Duration: 6 to 12 months

Includes: Monthly control of nutrition and body composition, monthly nutrition program according to achieved progress and current needs of the organism, monthly measurement and analysis of the results and effects of the program with monthly consultations with Profex expert associates.

Package price: EUR 145.00 per month – 6 months / EUR 125.00 per month – 12 months

Duration: 6 to 12 months

Includes: Monthly control of nutrition and body composition, exercise program every 60 days with online control of correct practice of exercises with Profex trainers, monthly nutrition program according to achieved progress and current needs of the body, monthly measurement and analysis of the results and performance of the program with monthly consultations with Profex experts associates.

Package price: EUR 320.00 per month – 6 months / EUR 295.00 per month – 12 months

Duration: 6 to 12 months

Includes: Monthly control of nutrition and body composition, exercise program every 60 days with online control of correct practice of exercises with Profex trainers, monthly nutrition program according to achieved progress and current needs of the body, monthly measurement and analysis of the results and performance of the program with monthly consultations with Profex experts associates.

Package price: EUR 370.00 per month – 6 months / EUR 325.00 per month – 12 months

Duration: 6 to 12 months

Includes: Nutrition and body composition control, every month, analysis of body posture (postural status) every other month with a new nutrition program created every month and a 2-month exercise program in accordance with the achieved effects and the current needs of the body. Each new measurement implies an analysis of the results and effects of the implemented program with consultations. Online control of the correct practice of the created exercise program will be carried out at the beginning of each new program. Two visits to the Academy during the month (Stretching + Care + Isokinetics as needed)

Package price: 500 EUR per month – 6 months / 460.00 EUR per month – 12 months

Duration: 6 to 12 months

Includes: 12 training sessions per month. Control of nutrition and body composition, every month, load test, RMR, analysis of body posture (postural status) and muscle status every other month with a new nutrition program and exercise program created every month in accordance with the achieved effects and current needs of the organism. Each new measurement implies an analysis of the results and effects of the implemented program with consultations.

Package price: on request

*Prices are shown in euros. Payment is made in dinar equivalent at the middle exchange rate of the National Bank of Serbia on the day of payment. For more information on prices and payment terms, as well as discounts for multiple family members, contact us

Start YOUR transformation today!

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Profex zajednica
Profex zajednica
Profex zajednica


Each of the Profex community packages envisages targeted, effective and dedicated work on your own physical condition and all aspects of healthy living together with permanent lifestyle change – from diet to exercise.

Through 25 years and experience in working to improve the health of citizens of all age categories and all needs, as well as working to achieve top sports results of top athletes, we have noticed that lack of time, self-organization, self-discipline and self-initiative is the essential reason why we do not persist in healthy lifestyle habits, care and prevention of injuries as well as the development of sports performance when it comes to top athletes.

We have found a way to provide all our past and future clients with continuous support in preserving, maintaining and improving a healthy life.

We have created a number of service packages that should be in line with the capabilities of each individual.

We provide everyone with the opportunity to be a member of our community and to cooperate with our professional team to be encouraged, motivated and directed to improve their health.

Service packages certainly include regular examination of part or all of your physical status with the protocols of our modern diagnostic center and expert analysis of your physical status to the extent that you want to entrust it to us.

The package you choose is not a choice based on the price availability of one of the packages. It’s a choice based above all on the amount of time you want to devote to your overall health.

You have the opportunity to choose to what extent and in what way we will support you on the way to a healthy life.

Profex zajednica