Work days: 6:00 – 20:00h Saturday: 8:00 – 15:00h


Programs for conditioning of professional athletes

Our PROFEX-Academy of healthy lifestyle offers the best programs for conditioning of professional athletes, when quality is concerned. For the last twenty years, Duško has been intensively working in many sports, applying scientific laws into practice. Especially, he has been working individually with many high-ranked professional tennis players, rowers, basketball players, football players, taekwondo fighters and many more. He was hired as a coach and associate in order to achieve excellent results at competitions by National Tennis and Taekwondo association, National basketball, Judo and Wrestling association. Beside above mentioned, he has worked in several international clubs. All of them hired him to help them with diagnostic, conditioning, theoretical education of athletes and their coaches. Also many individuals such as Nenad Zimonjić, Novak Đoković, Milica Mandić, Tijana Bogdanović, Janko Tipsarević, Luka Milivojević, Andrija Prlainović, Igor Rakočević, Zoran Erceg, Nenad Krstić and many more. We are very proud of the fact that our work is being recognized by increasing number of athletes. They appreciate our unique work conditions and standards, professionalism and expertise of professor Duško Ilić and other members of our team.

Professor Duško Ilić with Milica Mandić (after winning gold Olympic medal in London, 2012), Nenad Zimonjić (after coming to the first place at the ATP doubles list) and Novak Đoković and national team of Serbia (after winning bronze Olympic medal in Beijing, 2008).


When working with kids, we especially pay attention to partial or complete solving of children’s weak parts of the body. After that, we concentrate on developing special technique of movement required by a specific sport as well as developing conditioning, coordination, technical-tactical and psychological preparation. This kind of dedicated work results in kids achieving their maximum potential. It is not rare that we managed to predict the level of success on ones’ child. At the same time, if we see that a child is not for a certain sport, we talk to the parents and advise them about another more appropriate sport activity.

PROFEX team with Eldar Salihović (skiing), Miomir Kecmanović (tennis) and Žarko Krajišnik (taekwondo)

All professional athletes who are our clients will get isolation from all negative influences from the outside and they can count on their privacy (no media present). If it is necessary, our client can practice alone without any other member of PROFEX Academy. For our team it is very important:

to prevent any injury and
to provide all conditions for a long career of an athlete.

Also, at the same time our programs are designed to allow the most efficient movement, so that an athlete is able to do whatever is necessary, without losing any of its abilities. This is achievable through various techniques of movement, stabilization of joints (by increasing muscle tonus and muscle endurance) breathing, training plans and adequate diet.

About shape

Results are not always the best indicators

Level of ones’ shape in practice is often looked through achieved results. However, one’s result on its on is not necessarily the best indicator. Often it happens that achieved results are a consequence of many compensatory factors, such as high level of training (usually necessarily high), talent, convenient conditions at competitions etc…

In most cases, results are directly correlated with biological balance of the body ( maintenance of structures and functions of different tissues and its favorable ration). Of course, this is important as well as reaching a maximum efficiency in movement at competitions. Having said that, it is very important to make a precise training plan which peak will be reached at competitions. To achieve that, it is necessary to have knowledge, enormous experience, adequate conditions, finances as well as capable people who are around an athlete ready to create ideal environment for his improvement and result. This is possible to get in our PROFEX Academy of healthy living.

Specifics of working with an athlete

Body of a proffesional athlete is not the same as the body of “regular”people who do not train that often
High and extreme levels of requirements of professional athletes model their bodies and neurophysiologic processes in a specific way. However, it is not possible for an athlete to adapt endlessly to higher requirements. It is often that an athlete after a certain period (because of an inadequate training program) stops to react to all further requirements. With no further progression in abilities and biological block of the body an athlete will achieve worse results at competitions, which often leads to psychological instability of an athlete. Also, his normal and healthy functioning on the body is endangered too (this state is known as an overtraining of an athlete).

In order to avoid the above mentioned mistakes, it is vital to make program of training and rest with an scientific approach to it and in that way make sure that we only make stops in progressing (known as plateau) when we need them. Not the other way around.

What do we follow and test when professional athletes are preparing in our “Profex – academy of healthy living?”

Various indicators

1. Structural aspect: with the help of bioelectrical impedance we are able to get precise information about the structure of the body-level of liquids in and out of cell, percentage and amount of muscle and fat mass in different areas of the body, such as legs, hands, core. As well as to see differences between left and right side of the body. Also we are able to see if there are some edemas in the body.
2. Morphological aspect: we take care about the volume of the body, to be specific we measure how the body mass is divided in the body. We also measure relation between upper and lower part of the body, scope of thigh and core. All these factors are directly correlated with the amount of movement, amplitudes of movement, possibility to speed up, level of required energy and all other mechanical factors that affect the movement of the body.
3. Physiological aspect- neuro muscular activation: with the usage of EMG (electromyography) we are unique in our country. By doing EMG measurements we are able to evaluate isolatedly ability of the muscles important for a great number of standard and specific movements. Not only that we can evaluate the muscles responsible for correct posture (they are endangered by a long professional career), but also we can do a great number of tests such as: explosive strains, evaluation of speed potential of the muscles, defining the level of stiffness that defines the level of agility, seeing the effects of tiredness caused by different regimes and intensities of trainings etc…
4. Physiological aspect-energetic/work level: For professional athletes it is very important to measure and define adequate energy balance between intake and expenditure of energy. Also it is important to evaluate how the energy is being used in the process of stillness and how in the process of training. If there is too much training present in a daily agenda, it is necessary to notice that. Also sometimes it is needed to force the body to lose energy more that usually and intake only a health minimum , because in this situation we are improving relative strength of an athlete.


1.Training –“Elusive” cyclicality of an athlete’s shape can be used as a powerful tool, because it can be manipulated. Our goal when making a program is to create an optimal level of training and shape, as well as to avoid unnecessary wandering when defining the scope of specific and universal exercises. This is possible to achieve through and adequate plan and periodisation. One of the best characteristics of our programs is maximum efficiency of trainings- invested work is double returned.
2.Competitions– maybe the most important factor for an athlete when conditioning is concerned is to keep the achieved shape as long as possible, especially in the time of competitions. Our PROFEX Academy is very dedicated to following and achieving this.
3.Health– training and work in conditions which are not optimal can lead to higher levels of injuries, which are expected after a long period of training in that surrounding. Consequences of inadequate work and training will follow athletes even long after they finish their careers. PROFEX Academy can guarantee that every training program is above all healthy and after that the most efficient and fruitful for an athlete.

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