Work days: 6:00 – 20:00h Saturday: 8:00 – 15:00h


Programi za timove - Izveštaj
Programi za timove - izveštaj
Programi za timove - Trening
Programi za timove - Trening

Programs for teams are intended for sports teams, national teams or larger work teams within companies and firms. The PROFEX Academy team has more than 15 years of experience in implementing these programs. They include testing procedures, analysis and interpretation of results. As well as creating and implementing individual training and nutrition programs for larger groups of people and athletes at the same time. So far, we have been trusted by many renowned institutions such as:

  • Teniski savez Srbije
  • Košarkaški savez Srbije
  • Tekvondo savez Srbije
  • Džudo savez Srbije
  • Fudbalska federacija Azerbejdžana
  • Fudbalski savez Srbije
  • Tekvondo klub Galeb iz Beograda
  • Džudo klub Crvena Zvezda
  • Vaterpolo klub Radnički iz Kragujevca
  • Više kompanija iz Srbije i regiona za svoje zaposlene itd.

Our way of working with teams

Everything starts with diagnostic. By using biomechanical tests, we are able to see the current body state and current level of different abilities. In one or two days we are able to test groups of 5 to 30 persons, depending on the test type.

The results gotten from diagnostics are being analyzed and interpreted (3-7 days after testing), while every client gets these results textually and graphically presented. Diagnostic testing in our laboratory is the most important element when creating one’s training procedure and adequate nutrition plan, which means that the former and the latter are custom made for every single client, according to his current health condition. This method of work allows us to create efficient programs for our clients in order to achieve maximum results. Everything above mentioned is explained in a meeting with our team and personally with professor Duško Ilić. Also, we make group results that allow us to form subgroups. For instance, one subgroup will be the one focused on developing strength and the other will do more specific exercises for muscle-tendon stiffness.

3 do 7 dana nakon testiranja kroz razgovore sa profesorima Mrdakovićem i Ilićem svi prikupljeni rezultati se detaljno objašnjavaju i interpretiraju, a izvode se bitni zaključci za svakog pojedinca (i ekipu ili grupu ako su u pitanju sportski kolektivi). Nakon toga možemo pristupiti procesu kreiranja individualnih programa vežbanja i ishrane za pojedince, ili grupnih programa za grupe od 3 do 5 osoba za potrebe unapređenja sposobnosti i nadomešćavanja uočenih nedostataka.

Trenažni programi se mogu realizovati u našoj Akademiji sa trenerima po standardima PROFEX Akademije i uz korišćenje specifičnih metoda rada i oporavka (MDI method) koje je u praksu uveo profesor dr Duško Ilić. Osim toga, postoji mogućnost obuke za samostalno vežbanje i/ili rad trenera unutar sportskih ekipa. Proces nadziranog rada nakon toga može trajati od 2 meseca do godinu ili dve dana, u zavisnosti od postavljenih ciljeva. Tokom procesa nadzora vrše se stalne promene vežbanja, ishrane i savetovanja u zavisnosti od kontrolnih (malih ili velikih) testiranja.

Making an appointment

If you have some further questions about our programs for teams about diagnostic, nutrition or training programs, please do not hesitate to contact our coordinator on 064/6435076 every day from 8am to 6pm or by sending an email on

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