Work days: 6:00 – 20:00h Saturday: 8:00 – 15:00h


Isokinetic dynamometric neuromuscular testing

Since 2020 we are using the most up- to- date equipment, isokinetic dynamometer by Human Norm (CSMI Medical Solutions), for improving mobility of a the body and increasing the force while doing a specific movement.

We are the only institution in Serbia that does this kind of testing, training and rehabilitation. All results that we get are being interpreted by two professors of Biomechanics from the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education.

Dynamometric training and testing are being combined with unique MDI (manual Duško Ilić method) method, which enables us to achieve in a short period top results in upgrading ones’ abilities, neutralize noticed imbalances and recover from injuries and painful states.

Isokinetics and dynamometry
Phrase “isokinetics” refers to dynamic muscle contraction in conditions of constant, in advance adjustable speed and length of movement. Length of movement is being defined by setting a maximum angular speed and range of motion in a specific joint. Phrase “dynamometry” refers to an instrument that examines neuromuscular function (we are measuring manifested force while doing a specific movement). The apparatus is safe and it is adjustable to the client and its possibilities. Various belts and positions when doing a movement make the movement isolated, which further implicates that client is safe from any injury or pain.

Identifying imbalances in the body
Isokinetic dynamometry offers possibility of isolated testing and training of all joints, movements that are done in those joints and testing of muscles included in the movement. In that way we are able to identify imbalances while doing everything in a precise and safe way. For example, we can see the balance in manifested force between anterior thigh and the back of the thigh(key factor for causing an injury of anterior cruciate ligaments), balance between muscles on the left and right side of the body, manifested force of a muscle in a state of elongation or shortening etc…

„Three-dimensional“ tests
Tests are being conducted in3 states:

Concentric muscle regime (when the muscle is getting shorter and overcomes external force)
Eccentric muscle regime (when the muscle is being elongated and cannot cope with external force)
Isometric muscle regime (muscle length is staying the same and external force has no power at all)

Everything is being done with a wide range of adjustable angular speeds of dynamometer (0-500 o/s) and with the possibility of electro myographic tracking and synchronization of data by time and space.

Application and goals
Isometric dynamometer is being used with professionals, amateurs, active and inactive people with following aims:

Prevention of muscle/joints injuries
Rehabilitation after muscle/joints injuries
Preparation for faster, more successful and more functional recovery after surgery
Rehabilitation after surgery
Testing of neuromuscular performances (activation, coordination, force, strength, stamina, explosiveness)
Testing of neuromuscular recovery and fatigue of muscles
Testing of neuromuscular control of willing effort
Tracking of neural and muscular adaption to training processes
Getting to know how neural and muscular factors influence performances in a particular sport and finding a way to improve them

Personalization of goals and problems
Everything from testing to training is custom made for each client and his goal (this includes work regime of muscles, angular speeds of dynamometer, number of repetitions, breaks etc…). By following every progress and comparing current results of a client with a standard (standard is being made according to age, gender, level of fitness etc…) we can see what needs to be improved in the future training plans.

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