Work days: 6:00 – 20:00h Saturday: 8:00 – 15:00h


Developing and controlling the growth of tissues

This type of program is usually devoted to children, as well as to others who need shaping of a certain part of the body or the whole body on an optimal level. An optimal level is individual and it depends on age, genetic and morphological characteristics, work and living conditions.

When working with kids, it is very important to respect sensitive and critical periods in their development of motor and functional abilities. What happens when a child is on the obese side? Or when it has innate/acquired deformity and different negative psycho-social conditions?

Our PROFEX Academy has years – long experience in working with children who have above mentioned problems as well as in working with kids who train from an early age.

When creating programs for children it is important that they are amusing, but effective (they neutralize all negative effects that affect growth).

Enormous theoretical and practical knowledge of professor Duško Ilić and Vladimir Mrdaković with our team of educated trainers represent key factors that guarantee success when working with children, adolescents and young athletes.

Controlling the growth of tissues

Controlling the growth of tissues is based on the knowledge of all physiological and mechanical changes that follow this process. Tissue must have an adequate amount of strong and functional muscle mass, because this is a first prerequisite for preventing start of different body deformities, as well as metabolic and physiological disorders.

Complete process is followed by an individual diet, planned to utmost detail-it includes precise schedule of meals and breaks between them, amount of liquids and time for their intake and so on. All these things are done in order to achieve:

“growing“ of muscle mass in certain parts of the body,
to have enough liquids in cells
to support joints and tendons
to keep stable state of our areas in the body that are not under direct influence of exercise

This process has several different phases. It is happening often that a person who is a mesomorphic type, turns temporarily into an ectomorphic type.

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