Work days: 6:00 – 20:00h Saturday: 8:00 – 15:00h
The testing process in the PROFEX Academy laboratory takes several hours and can be accessed by anyone from 7 to 70 years old. Under the supervision of two Biomechanics professors, Professor Duško Ilić and Professor Vladimir Mrdaković, our diagnostic team conducts measurements and analyzes of body structure, assessment of muscle function, assessment of exerted force using an isokinetic dynamometer in all types of movements, tests for assessment of energy capabilities and basal metabolism, analyzes of bone - of the joint apparatus from the point of view of statics and dynamics, assessment of motor skills, i.e. sports performance and dozens of other measurements. Each test is done with a clear goal, and after the tests are completed, all the collected results are put to the service of practice through additional discussions and counseling with the professors who lead our institution. We have over 15 years of experience in conducting testing and creating training programs, nutritional programs, counseling and monitoring the psycho-physical status of clients. Physical status checks through various types of testing in the PROFEX Academy laboratory can be accessed by persons aged 7 to 70 years. Whether they are recreational athletes, moderately or extremely obese people. Elderly people, as well as children, and amateur or professional athletes, convalescents, etc. Physical status checks through various types of testing in the PROFEX Academy laboratory can be accessed by persons aged 7 to 70 years. Whether it is recreationists, moderately or extremely obese people, both the elderly and children. As well as amateur or professional athletes, recovering athletes, etc. Dedicated and detailed The process of diagnosing physical status takes several hours, which depends on the number and type of tests that are performed. No test in itself is hard. But it takes time to implement each of them precisely and according to a clearly established protocol. Modern equipment and professional supervision Using the most modern equipment, exact and detailed tests are performed to determine the current morphofunctional status, degree of injuries and deformities. As well as the quality of the performance of a specific movement act, the force exerted or the level of development of certain motor skills. All types of testing are performed under the supervision and control of experts from the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education in Belgrade. Processing and interpretation of results After the end of the testing, the obtained results are precisely analyzed and interpreted in detail. Each examinee receives a test report where all processed results are presented in textual, tabular and graphical form. In a specially scheduled appointment, the results are explained and an agreement is made for the further way of working. And cooperation, personally with Professor Dusko Ilić.